
Pinhel’s Jewish community
The existence of the Jewish community in Pinhel dates back to our ancestors.
It is know that it already existed, back in the XIV century, based on the inquisitions made in 1395 that stated that the King had the right to collect on the services of Jews.
So, an organized community existed and grew upon the welcoming of those Jews expelled from Castela (Spain) thus bring a new economical dynamic to the municipality.
Pinhel’s growth, in late four hundreds, is linked to the presence of the Israelite community which occupied most of what is today Santa Maria’s street and adjoining streets, holding, to this date, an interesting set of “cross markings” (crosses) embellishing some houses’ doorways, form both medieval and modern times, where new Christians were known to live.
In the early XX century, there was a clandestine community in Pinhel, which was reorganized with the actions of Barros Basto (Rescue of Marranos) who helped build a synagogue named Shaaré Orah (Doors of light) inaugurated in May 3rd 1932. This community would later disappeared due to political changes taking place in Portugal at the time. Pinhel is a mandatory stopping point for those wishing to learn more about Beira Intereior’s Jewish patrimony. One my find these evidences in the castle towers’ area, mainly in Santa Maria’s street where the markings “hiding” the Jewish symbols are well visible. In the Falcon City one may also visit the Castle, the Tourism Information Point (with a store filled with the region’s products) and also the Cultural House with its two museums.


Pinhel’s Municipality
Largo Ministro Duarte Pacheco
Tel: 271 410 000

Tourism Information Point
Praça Sacadura Cabral
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cultural House (which holds Pinhel’s Municipal Museum and José Manuel Soares’s Museum)
Largo dos Combatentes
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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